Curly hair thinning and hair loss is one big issue that some curlies go through at some point in their life. At Wonder Curl’s “Healthy Hair Summit”, we were joined by Nubia Saurez of Utopia Salon, who has over 30 years of experience. But that’s not all....Nubia is an Educator and a Master Stylist who discusses in detail, the causes of curly hair thinning and hair loss.
First, you want to make sure your hair loss isn’t from a medical condition. It is important to seek medical attention if you believe there is an underlying medical issue. Once, it’s been determined the hair loss isn’t because of anything internal, it is important to take a look at your hair regimen. Here are some causes that Nubia talks about:
1. Overloading of Products Can Lead to Curly Hair Thinning:
For one thing, your scalp needs to regenerate in order to grow new healthy hair. As a matter of fact, according to Nubia, overloading hair products can cause the scalp not to breathe. Additionally, over usage of products can result in itching, dandruff, and irritation on the scalp. Be sure to keep your scalp clean by regularly shampooing.
2. Protective Styles Might Not be so Protective:
We don’t like to say it but protective hairstyles are usually too tight and create tension in the scalp. These styles can cause hair pulling that leads to curly hair thinning. Furthermore, Nubia said that protective styles should not last for more than 3 weeks. After removing your protective style, make sure you cleanse, hydrate and deep condition your hair.
“Give your hair a break as the earth is taking a break right now”-Nubia Saurez.
3. Over Shampoo Can Dry Out Your Hair:
Not shampooing can lead to hair loss. However, if you over shampoo your hair it can dry your hair out and your scalp will lose the natural oils that can result in hair loss. Always follow up your
4. Use of Aerosols Can Cause Curly Hair Thinning:
Curly hair girls tend to use aerosols for bigger, fuller hair. Consequently, aerosols contains alcohol and propane that make the hair brittle and dry and can cause curly hair thinning.

5. Hair Extension and Hair Damage:
Some people use hair extensions to increase the length and density of the hair. Here’s the bottom line, the way the extensions are attached creates tension on the scalp, similar to sewing and bonding. Under those circumstances, it can be very damaging to the hair.
6. Over Heating Leads to Thinning:
Finally, using heat to dry your hair can cause damage and breakage. The problem is, hot heat on your scalp can remove the natural oils and can result in curly hair thinning and hair loss? Nubia said going natural is the best option for curly hair.
Natural ingredients to reduce curly hair thinning:
Aloe Vera:
Firstly, Aloe Vera is a natural agent that works wonders to your skin and hair. And the best part is, Aloe Vera can help hydrate and nourish the scalp as well as straighten and deeply moisturize the hair. It also boosts dull frizzy hair and stops curly hair thinning.
Jamaican Black Castor Oil:
Secondly, this magical oil is very light and is best for massage and does not saturate the pillow. Nubia said that now is the time to cleanse yourself to understand the power of your body.
Now relax, let your hair down and follow Nubia on Instagram @Nubiarezo.
About the Healthy Hair Summit
The Healthy Hair Summit is a 2 day virtual summit with 5 experts in their industries. You get the information you need to get on the right track of your healthy hair journey.
With this Healthy Hair Summit, you get the tools that will ensure your success to help you towards your hair goals. Bring your pen and paper, there will be a lot of information that you'll be able to start using right away.