Why Your Hair Keeps Breaking!

Why Your Hair Keeps Breaking!

Hair breakage is one of the most common problems that everyone is facing at any stage of life. If I ask you which type of hair is more prone to breakage, curly or straight hair! So, it's pretty obvious that you'd say curly hair. Because curly hair gets tangled very easily and sometimes it becomes dry. Due to which the chances of breakage in curly hair are high. It's like that isn't it!

Let's find out if it's true! If not, what are the other causes of breakage? So, on an average basis, we can say that curly hair is prone to hair breakage to some extent. But we cannot say that other types of hair do not have any problem with breakage. It has its own reasons and usually, it depends on different hair types and also from person to person.

hair breakage

Hair Breakage v/s Hair Fall

Breakage occurs when short strands of hair come out when brushing or combing your hair. Therefore, a breakdown in any part of the hair shaft is known as ‘hair breakage’. On the other hand, when the hair falls out of the follicle, it results in ‘hair loss’.

The causes of Curly Hair Breakage.

Hair Dryness

Breakage is common in dry and brittle hair. Using strong products, brushing your hair constantly, and washing it with hot water are all things that might increase breakage. Dryness and breakage can also be caused by not applying a conditioner after cleansing your scalp.

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Brushing your hair too much

When you comb your hair repeatedly and forcefully, it can lead to breakage. It can also damage your hair by pulling it out from the roots. So, whenever you need to style, brush your hair lightly and slowly.

Unhealthy eating habits

The biggest reason for the breakage is also wrong eating habits. Make sure you get enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals from your diet to keep your hair and skin in good shape. Iron, zinc and folic acid are all important nutrients for your body and this ultimately prevents breakage. Always eat antioxidant and protein-rich food to keep your hair healthy.

Unnecessary using heat styling equipment

Extreme temperatures might cause your hair's scales to disintegrate and break. Excessive use of heat styling products can cause breakage and you must avoid these tools. Allow your hair to air out. Using a heat protectant can also help to keep these instruments from causing damage to your hair.


Hypothyroidism is a disorder in which your thyroid glands are unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. These hormones play an important role in hair growth. Lack of thyroid hormone also leads to breakage and hair fall.

Hair ties with elastic bands

Hair ties are problematic since they strain on your scalp and hair cuticle. When you undo your ponytail, you may notice that some hair slips out. You may solve this by letting your hair down every now and again, or by loosening up your updo so it doesn't strain on your hair as much. Also, make sure you're using real hair ties rather than rubber bands, which can cause harm to your hair.

So, these are some of the cause which leads to breakage.

Now, we’ll talk about how you can solve this problem!

  • Whenever you use heat styling products, always apply a heat protectant to prevent damage to your hair.
  • Maintain a proper hair care routine
  • Daily, but gently, shampoo and condition your hair.
  • Eat a balanced diet to ensure that your hair receives all of the nutrients.
  • When drying your hair, avoid using a dry towel.

Final Notes for Hair Breakage

We know breakage is very irritating. It can be caused by a variety of causes, including lifestyle, medical, and other issues. But if you follow a good hair care regime and eating a healthy diet can prevent breakage and even hair fall. If you're still experiencing breakage after making a lot of adjustments, it's important to contact a doctor to rule out any underlying medical concerns.

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