Caring for natural hair | Tips for medium porosity/loose hair

Caring for natural hair | Tips for medium porosity/loose hair

Caring for natural hair, medium porosity edition. When you have medium porosity hair, you might notice how your curls are nice and defined, but might end up feeling dry and don’t hold that curly definition. The cuticle, or the outermost layer of your hair, lifts when your hair is wet and closes after it has dried. Medium porosity is the ideal porosity, however, it might not feel that way if you aren’t using the right products and techniques.

Just because it is easier to maintain than other hair porosity doesn’t mean you should take it for granted. It is important to know some tips that will help you take care of your natural hair that is medium porosity. So, let’s dive deeper and learn some basic yet effective tips.

caring for natural hair that's medium porosity and loose curls
Photographer: pouriya kafaei | Source: UnsplashPhotographer: pouriya kafaei | Source: Unsplash

Caring for natural hair tips for medium porosity hair

Use moisturizing shampoo

Medium porosity hair gets dry when it isn't moisturized properly. For that reason, you want to use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners when washing your hair. Using the right cleanser for your hair sets the tone for your entire wash day. We recommend our Detoxifying Clay Cleanser. It is gentle for cleansing without stripping your hair of its natural oils. It also helps with the detangling process. The Detoxifying Clay Cleanser will also condition your hair. That's all you need to clean and condition your hair, saving you time and money on your wash day.

Caring for natural hair while styling

When applying your styling products, you want your hair to be damp to wet. This is an important hair care tip while styling your natural hair with medium porosity. Ideally, you want to find the right product-to-water ratio that works for your hair.

caring for natural hair that’s medium porosity and type 3a/3b curls

Apply in sections starting with the Get Slick Hair Smoothie then follow immediately with the Curl Control Styling Lotion. Layer small amounts of each product until your hair is fully coated. This method keeps you from applying more products than your hair needs. Repeat layering your products from section to section.

Use a Diffuser to dry your curly hair

We recommend using a diffuser to dry your hair. Because your curls are on the looser side, a diffuser will scrunch your hair forming your curls. A diffuser also gives more volume to curls. Air/natural drying will weaken your hair which will make it harder for your hair to retain moisture over time.

There you have it. Follow these tips for caring for natural hair and your medium porosity hair will feel soft and defined for days.

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