Beginner's guide to moisturizing your hair

Beginner's guide to moisturizing your hair

As we all know that moisturizing is very beneficial for our skin as well as our hair. However, curly hair is more likely to get tangled and look frizzy and dry.

Hair Moisturizing with the best hair care regimen is the ultimate solution to get rid of all these problems. In today's blog, I will tell you how you can keep your curly hair moisturized.

If you are a beginner and going to start a hair care routine for the first time, then this blog will help you to establish a good hair care routine. So, keep reading the blog and find the best way to moisturize your hair.

Before moving further, I’ll talk about Why a basic hair care routine is important for everyone!

“A Hair Care Routine”- For Hair Moisturizing

A hair care routine states everything you do to your hair on a daily or weekly basis to keep it healthy, beautiful, and shiny. If you want to develop healthy hair, you need to have a hair care routine.

Starting with a good, consistent routine can help you understand how to care for your natural hair. It's always ideal to have excellent habits in life that will carry you through your journey. It's often having a decent hair care routine that allows you to do the best things in terms of hair health and length.

Tips for Hair Moisturizing


The first and foremost thing is to understand your hair porosity. Because porosity has an impact on how your hair retains moisture, it also has an impact on how you should moisturize it.

Low Porosity states that your hair has a tight cuticle that fails to absorb moisture. This might be the cause of your hair's dryness! When adding moisture to your cuticles, use heat such as steam, lukewarm water, or a heat cap. If you are not aware of whether your hair is lacking protein or not, then stay away from protein treatments because that can make your hair feel dry.

To know about the complete Hair Porosity Routine, you can read our blogs by clicking on the links given below.

Medium Porosity states that you should apply creamy products for hair moisturizing. After soaking your hair, use a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer. Medium porosity is the sweet spot, and has the most versatility with the types of products you can use. Because of this, you can play with different moisturizers to find what works for you and your lifestyle.

It's all about locking in moisture if your hair has a High Porosity. Use a leave-in conditioner and use thick products that include oils and butters to keep your hair moisturized the longest. You might want to try doing protein treatments to help with your hair’s integrity. Although high porosity hair tends to be damaged, you’ll also want to deep condition on a regular basis.

Deep Conditioning

Restoring hair treatment for hair moisturizing

Deep Conditioning is an amazing treatment for hair moisturizing. Every curly hair girl benefits from this. Apart from moisturizing your hair, deep conditioning also gives you many other benefits such as -

  • Reduces split ends and hair breakage.
  • Promotes elasticity.
  • Restores natural shine.
  • Hydrates your scalp and your curls.

In addition, for the greatest hair moisturizing results, we recommend you try out our Restoring Hair Treatment that will give you all the same benefits mentioned above.

Choose your hair products wisely

Every brand in the market these days uses a lot of ingredients to make their products look good. And those products are made to look like they're designed just for your hair. So, I want to give you a piece of advice, before buying any product you should definitely check your hair for what type of hair you have, porosity test, protein level checks, etc.

All these things will help you to choose the right product that you are looking for because sometimes these products make your hair dry and stiff.

Final Notes on Hair Moisturizing

The lack of moisture in your hair causes more frizz. It'll make a lot of difference if you use a moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, and hair mask. Moreover, deep conditioning is the perfect solution for hair moisturizing. So, give it a try and tell us in the comment section how it works for your hair. With all of this helpful knowledge, you can create your hair care routine that works best for you.

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